Fiber Bragg Gratings

DTS Sensors

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DTS Instruments

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FBG Sensors

INFIBRA TECHNOLOGIES can offer a range of FBG-based different sensors as well as supplies custom solution starting from single FBGs and arrays of FBGs. A short list of standard solutions is reported below, click on the picture in a selected tab to read the specifications.


single-fbg-miniatureSingle FBG can be used for sensing temperature and strain as well as for many physical and chemical parameters if properly packaged. Several coatings (acrylate, polyimide or metallic) and manufacturing parameters (length, bandwidth, peak reflecticvity) are available for industrial applications, even in harsh environments with ATEX and high temperatures requirements.
Single FBG
Single Fiber Bragg Grating
fbg technology
Typical applications:
  • Civil engineering
  • Transportation
  • Chemical Processes
  • Power
  • Oil&Gas
  • Automotive & Aerospace
  • Medical & Robotics
  • Telecommunications
  • Reasearch & Development

FBG specifications:
 FBG Wavelength (CWL)  1.500 ÷ 1.600 nm (other on request)
 FBG Wavelength tolerance (CWLT)  ± 0,5 nm (other on request)
 FBG Bandwidth (FWHM)  0,1 nm to 1 nm (other on request)
 FBG Reflectivity Peak (R)   Up to 99 % (50% typical)
 Side Lobe Suppression Ratio (SLSR)  > 15dB (other on request)
 FBG Length (L)   1 ÷ 12 mm (other on request)
 Fiber Type  Standard single-mode, Bend insensitive, Pure core silica, (others on request)
 Fiber coating   Acrylate (up to 80°C), High Temperature Acrylate (up to 150°C), Polyimide (up to 250°C, short term 400°C), Metal coating on request (up to 700°C)
 Fiber pigtail length  1 m both side (other on request)
 Optical connector   FC/APC (other on request)
 Packaging options  Tubing (e.g. polymeric, stainless steel, PEEK, PTFE), extra buffer ruggedization (other on request)

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array-fbg-miniatureArray of FBGs can be offered in a wide range of optical specifications and material options to meet all customer requirements. It is possible to write dozens of FBG in a single optical fiber. Custom FBG spacing, several coatings and manufacturing parameters (length, bandwidth, peak reflecticvity) are available for quasi-distributed long-term sensing applications.
Array of FBGs
Single Fiber with Array of Bragg Gratings
array of fbgs
Typical applications:
  • Civil engineering
  • Transportation
  • Chemical Processes
  • Power
  • Oil&Gas
  • Automotive & Aerospace
  • Medical & Robotics
  • Telecommunications
  • Reasearch & Development

Array of FBGs specifications:
 Number of FBGs per array  Up to 50 (higher on request)
 FBGs Spacing  >15 mm (other on request)
 FBG Wavelength (CWL)  1.500 ÷ 1.600 nm (other on request)
 FBG Wavelength tolerance (CWLT)  ± 0,5 nm (other on request)
 FBG Bandwidth (FWHM)  0,1 nm to 1 nm (other on request)
 FBG Reflectivity Peak (R)   Up to 99 % (50% typical)
 Side Lobe Suppression Ratio (SLSR)  > 15dB (other on request)
 FBG Length (L)   1 ÷ 12 mm (other on request)
 Fiber Type  Standard single-mode, Bend insensitive, Pure core silica, (others on request)
 Fiber coating   Acrylate (up to 80°C), High Temperature Acrylate (up to 150°C), Polyimide (up to 250°C, short term 400°C), Metal coating on request (up to 700°C)
 Fiber pigtail length  1 m both side (other on request)
 Optical connector   FC/APC (other on request)
 Packaging options  Tubing (e.g. polymeric, stainless steel, PEEK, PTFE), extra buffer ruggedization (other on request)

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ht tube500 miniatureHT-Tube500 is a in-well temperature sensor for harsh environments with operating temperatures up to 500°C (600 °C R&D). Its stainless steel rigid metallic tube (5 mm typical outer diameter) holds a cascade of FBG sensors, which enables the insertion temperature profile over the thickness of components.
Rugged In-Well High Temperature FBG Sensor
ht tube500
Typical applications:
  • Machine Condition Monitoring
  • Power Plants Transformers
  • Chemical Processes
  • Conveyor Systems
  • High Temperature Environments

Physical specifications:
 Sensor Construction Rigid Loose Tube
 Dimension (φ x L) Tube diameter and sensor length to suit application
 Package material Stainless steel AISI 304 or other options
 Fixing method Swagelok , Glue

Optical specifications:
 Fiber Type  Single-mode SMF-28  9/125 μm
 FBG Wavelength (CWL)  1.460 ÷ 1.620 nm
 FBG Bandwidth (FWHM)  0,25 nm (typical)
 FBG Peak Reflectivity (R)  > 50 %
 Side Lobe Suppression Ratio (SLSR)  > 15dB
 Sensors Spacing (D)  >7 mm (Customizable)
 Sensors Number  Custom to suit application
 Measurement Range  -50 to 500 °C (600 °C R&D)
 Sensor Resolution  0,1 °C (depending on FBG interrogator)
 Sensor Accuracy  0,5 °C (depending on FBG interrogator)
 Cable Length and Connector  to suit application

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ht flex500 miniatureHT-Flex500 is a flexible temperature sensor for harsh environments with operating temperatures up to 500°C (600 °C R&D). Its stainless steel flexible capillary tube (1.2 mm typical diameter) holds a cascade of FBG sensors, which enables both surface and embedded installations, even within extremely small wells.
Flexible High Temperature FBG Sensor
ht flex500
Typical applications:
  • Machine Condition Monitoring
  • Power Plants Transformers
  • Chemical Processes
  • Conveyor Systems
  • High Temperature Environments

Physical specifications:
 Sensor Construction Capillary Loose Tube
 Dimension (φ x L) 1.2 mm x L (Sensor Length to suit application)
 Flexibility Down to 300 mm diameter
 Package material Stainless steel AISI 304 or other options

Optical specifications:
 Fiber Type  Single-mode SMF-28  9/125 μm
 FBG Wavelength (CWL)  1.460 ÷ 1.620 nm
 FBG Bandwidth (FWHM)  0,25 nm (typical)
 FBG Peak Reflectivity (R)  > 50 %
 Side Lobe Suppression Ratio (SLSR)  > 15dB
 Sensors Spacing (D)  > 7 mm  (Customizable)
 Sensors Number  Custom to suit application
 Measurement Range  -50 to 500 °C (600 °C R&D)
 Sensor Resolution  0,1 °C (depending on FBG interrogator)
 Sensor Accuracy  0,5 °C (depending on FBG interrogator)
 Cable Length and Connector  to suit application

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FBG Instruments

INFIBRA TECHNOLOGIES can offer a range of FBG interrogators based on the different technologies provided by its international partners. Listed below you can find the proprietary instruments only, click on the picture in a selected tab to read the specifications.


fbg hub unit miniatureFBG.HUB UNIT is an optical multiplexer which can be used in combination with FBG interrogators for the acquisition, log and communication of FBG-based sensors. Each of 4 input channels can be connected to a channel of a compatible FBG interrogator in order to expand the acquisition channel from 1 to 16. This capability allows the acquisition of 4 x 16 = 64 switched channels.
fbg hub unit
  • 64 scanning channels
  • Rackmount form factor
  • Different FBG interrogator compatibility
  • TCP/IP Modbus communication
  • On-board SD logging
  • Customizable switching time

Measurement and Processing:
 Wavelength Range  300 nm (1300-1600 nm)
 Number of Input Channels  4
 Number of Output Channels  64
 Insertion Loss  <1.7 dB (Typical 0.7 dB)
 Number of sensors  Depending on FBG interrogator
 Polarization dependent loss  < 0.15 dB
 Repeatability  < 0.01 dB
 Minimum switching time  < 10 ms (typical 5 ms)
 Durability  MEMS technology - no wear out
 Communication  TCP/IP Modbus
 Onboard Logging  External SD for logging
 Certifications  CE

Mechanical, Environmental and Electrical:
 Dimensions  19" standard RACK, 3U height, 84HP depth
 Weight  3 kg
 Operating Temperature  -10 to 50 °C (10-90% RH non condensating)
 Storage temperature  -20 to 85 °C
 Comms Interface  Ethernet
 Optical Connector  LC/APC
 Power supply  19 - 36 Vdc (typical 24 Vdc)

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Integration Services

r&d departmentWe strongly believe in cooperation with our partners and that one of the keys to the successful application of fiber optic sensors lies in their embedding capability. For that purpose, we offer several integration services in materials, structures and assets in general.

Our laboratories are comprehensive of equiments and softwares for:

 - FEM/CFD Analysis and Simulation

 - Mechanical Design and CAD/CAM Modeling 

 - Data Analysis and Modeling

 - Fiber and Cable Processing

 - Opto-Electronic Assembly and Test

 - Inspection and Quality Control

 - Thermo-Mechanical Calibration

 - Embedded Systems and Automation


INFIBRA TECHNOLOGIES Srl is engaged in designing and manufacturing of next-generation fiber optic sensors systems, while also offering engineering services. Energy, Oil & Gas, Transportation and Civil Engineering are our target markets, with solutions even suitable for harsh environments. Monitoring of temperature, vibration, deformation, or other chemical-physical parameters through a single optical fiber are our typical applications and FBGs, Raman, Brillouin and Rayleigh are our technologies.

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  Via Emilia 323/A, Pisa, 56121  -  VAT 02134410501
  +39 050 7917951

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